Phasing is an ability unique to members of the Survivor team. When phasing a player is able to walk through nailed props, however their movement speed is greatly reduced and they are unable to attack zombies. By default, phasing is performed by pressing the Z key.
Like most mechanics in Zombie Survival, the speed at which a player phases can be modified by a variety of sources, such as Skills or Status Effects.
Phasing Basics
The easiest way to determine if you are phasing is if your weapon is lowered on your viewmodel.
Once the player starts phasing, a number of things occur:
- Their movement speed is reduced by approximately 86% (at base movespeed)
- They are unable to fire their weapons or use their tools (however they still can be reloaded)
- They are unable to pick up items (however they can carry props)
- They are able to move through nailed props
IMPORTANT: Note that phasing can only be accomplished through nailed props / barricades. Unnailed props will still collide with the player as if they were not in the phase state.
Phasing Speed
The stat associated with phasing is phasing speed. There is no way to increase phasing speed by a flat amount because phasing speed is a percentage of your total movespeed. Therefore all sources that affect movement affect phasing speed, however you are able to directly increase your phasing speed through the use of Trinkets and Skills.
Increasing Phase Speed
Note: These buffs do not increase your phasing speed stat, they just remove the movespeed penalty that occurs when phasing.
Decreasing Phase Speed
Phasing plays a very important role to both the survivor team and the The Undead. It allows humans to easily enter and leave barricades, but makes thems vulnerable when doing so.
- After the end of the first wave, you will usually want to enter a barricade before a Boss Zombie spawns at the start of the second wave.
- Intermission gives survivors an opportunity to exit the cade to scavenge for other player's items, reclaim Sigils, or to grab World Drops and Capture Points.
- When phasing into a cade that is actively being attacked by zombies, crouching can help reduce the size of your hitbox or even completely obscure it in a prop, preventing zombies from hitting you.
- Your movespeed is the same in any direction when phasing, making it wise to face the exit of a barricade regardless of if you are entering or leaving.
- In early waves when humans are still mostly outside of their barricades, camping barricades can net you easy kills.
- Phasing humans are still body blocked by zombies, making it possible to prevent humans from falling back from a front barricade if you can get between them and their backup barricade.
- Both the Corrupter and Disruptor Demibosses inflict debuffs that punish humans for phasing, use these classes to discourage cautious humans from leaving a barricade or to cripple retreating humans.