Ammunition is the cornerstone of Zombie Survival's gunplay. You obtain ammunition from a Resupply Box.
Ammunition Types
Used by most pistol type weapons. Resupplies for 16. Pistol weapons tend to be accurate, medium DPS and partially ammo efficient. Usually pierces 20% of damage resistance.
Commonly used by shotguns. Resupplies for 12. Shotguns are very efficient, but only moderate DPS and have low range.
Lighter automatic weapons favour this ammo type. Resupplies for 36. Fast firing weapons which are harder to sustain but have high damage output.
Heavier automatic weapons favour this ammo type. Resupplies for 32. A bit more accurate than SMGs but deals a bit less overall DPS, relying more on headshots. Most of them pierce 25% of damage resistance.
Rifles commonly make use of rifle ammo. Resupplies for 9. Very accurate, but low DPS weapons which have a major focus on headshots. They can pierce up to 40% of damage resistance, making them very good at countering horde resistance from sigils being corrupted late game.
Pulse weapons make use of this energy ammo type. Resupplies for 30. The weapons that use it are extremely varied, and some of them inflict pulse slow.
Crossbows make use of bolts. Resupplies for 8. Most crossbow weapons launch a projectile, some of them have special projectile properties. They can pierce 10% of damage resistance.
Explosive weapons make use of the explosive ammo type. Resupplies for 3. Very high risk but high reward weapons that tend to rely on multiple zombies being nearby to be effective. They tend to have a weakness to damage resistance, the ones with AoE damage having 20% increased damage resistance.
Chemical weapons are very varied in application, making use of both hitscan and projectile attacks.
This ammunition type is used by hammers to nail down props in order to create barricades, or by the tool Barbed Wire to add a damaging layer to props.
Medical Supplies
Scrap Metal