Prop ammo

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Game specific ammo.


Ammo Type <choices>

Ammo type this entity becomes.

Amount <integer>

Amount of ammo that collecting this item gives.

Never Remove <choices>

Never remove when used or damaged, for repeated uses.
  • 0: No
  • 1: Yes

Ignore Pickup Counter <choices>

Set to ignore a maxpickupcounter, if any.
  • 0: No
  • 1: Yes

Ignore Use <choices>

Set to disable being able to pickup via use key.
  • 0: No
  • 1: Yes


input givetoactivator <void>

Forces the ammo onto the activator.

input setneverremove <integer>

Set to make infinite uses.

input setignorepickupcount <integer>

Set to ignore any max pickup counter.

input setignoreuse <integer>

Set to disable being able to pickup via use key.

input setammotype <string>

Set to change the ammo type of this entity.


output OnPickupPassed <void>

Called when the ammo is given to the player.

output OnPickupFailed <void>

Called when the ammo is not given to the player