Point zsmessage

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Custom message that is displayed with the specified message.


Team <choices>

Filter which team gets the message.
  • Zombies
  • Humans
  • Activator Only
  • All

Display Time <integer>

How long the input message displays for, does not have an effect on HUD messages.

Message Position <choices>

Where the message is seen.
  • Center
  • Top Right

Text Colour <color255>

Sets the color of an input message.


input message <string>

What to display. Supports the markup library.

input sethumanhudmessage <string>

Set a message to display in the human wave hud.

input setzombiehudmessage <string>

Set a message to display in the zombie wave hud.

input clearhumanhudmessage <void>

Clear the message to display in the human wave hud.

input clearzombiehudmessage <void>

Clear the message to display in the zombie wave hud.

input setdisplaytime <integer>

Change how long the input message displays for.

input settextcolor <string>

Takes an 'R G B' string to change the color of the next message.