Medical Tools

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Medical Tools helps to reduce medical kit recovery time, reduce medical gun fire delay, increase healing effectiveness, increase cloud, buff bomb and flask duration.
It is available in the worth menu for 15 Worth.

Medical Tools
Upgrade Levels Cost (-) Description Dismantle (+)
Standard 11 Points/
6 Scrap
-9% medical kit recovery time
-6% medical gun fire delay
+6% healing effectiveness
+7% cloud, buff bomb and flask duration
2 Scrap
Sturdy 10 Scrap -14% medical kit recovery time
-10% medical gun fire delay
+12% healing effectiveness
+14% cloud, buff bomb and flask duration
7 Scrap
Honed 15 Scrap -29% medical kit recovery time
-14% medical gun fire delay
+18% healing effectiveness
+21% cloud, buff bomb and flask duration
14 Scrap
Perfected 20 Scrap -24% medical kit recovery time
-18% medical gun fire delay
+24% healing effectiveness
+28% cloud, buff bomb and flask duration
24 Scrap

Related link: Support_Trinkets