"This was the brightest idea you've ever came up with Sam." Linguey states in bashful sarcasm, "Leaving the base commander to die to them, and forgetting the cores despite being specifically told to protect and bring them to the base. Yet I do gotta admit, blowing up the entrance to create a cavein to stop them from getting in was nice. Now we can just worry about starving to death in the mean time."
"Look, they were hot on our asses we had no choice, if it weren't for the commander's sacrifice we would of been all dead by now." Sammuel admits in utter defeat, "Now, I'm next in command and I need you to shut up and listen. We need to wait and catch our breath, if we're lucky their numbers may dwindle overtime. In the meantime, set the remaining charges we have left for the tunnel entrance, we're going to break the cavein and collect those cores."
Checkpoint is a medium size bunker style map, the map has custom spawns made in place with human spawn outside in front of the bunker entrance, and zombie spawn starting behind the collapsed tunnel entrance (While zombie spawn expands outward closer to the bunker on wave 3 and 6).
The map has 3 unique prop entities called Power Cores, these cores are vital for survival as they're needed to unlock the bases' main functionalities; opening the bunker entrance, unlocking the medical bay and armory, and powering up the Takara Holy Laser Cannon IV (Note: laser cannon no longer works with current map version.)
Power Cores can only be collected once the charges break the cavein. Once round starts the cores will be in 3 separate locations; one is located in the supply truck right behind the cavein rocks, the second located in the oil derrick room to the right next to the dead base commander, and the last core is located in the very bottom of the water purification room to the left underneath smaller water pipes.
Once using one of the cores to open the bunker entrance, the bunker splits into the first 3 passage ways humans can travel to, heading left or right will lead humans to one of the side entrances of the bunker with red and green buttons that controls the lock/unlock functions to them (green being unlock and red locked).
On second 3 passage way further down the middle, heading left will lead humans to the armory and the power room, heading right will lead to the medical bay and pipe room, continuing through the middle will lead humans to their final destination, the control room.
If one of the cores are used to unlock the armory and Medbay, each of them will consists of items enough to sustain humans up to wave 3 when keycards, another map unique prop entities, spawn in randomized set locations.
- The Medbay will consists of 2 large medkits and 4 smaller ones open and free to use not locked behind the gate. Opening the gate with a keycard will allow humans have access to; 3 more large medkits and 5 smaller ones, 1 'Savior' Medigun, 1 Medical Kit, 1 Bloodshot Bomb, and 1 Medic Cloud Bomb.
- The Armory will consists of small props needed for Barricading free to use not locked behind the gate. Opening the gate with a keycard will allow humans have access to; 2 packs of SMG, Rifle, Pistol, and crossbow ammo, 4 Grenades, 'Eraser' Tactical Pistol, 'Crossfire' Glock, 'Zombie Drill' Desert Eagle, 'Sprayer' MAC-10, 'Aegis' Barricader Kit, 'Annabelle' Birdshot Rifle, 'Akbar' Assault Rifle, 2 Molotovs, 'Oberon' Pulse Shotgun, 'Splinter' Sawed-Off Shotgun, 'Sweeper' Shotgun, 'Impaler' Crossbow, 'Shredder' SMG, 2 Shovels, Carpenter's Hammer, Wrench.
- Once 80% infliction (total humans dead) occurs, the master security locker will unlock releasing these weapons for humans; 'Terminus' SCAR-L, 'Tiny' Slug Rifle, 'Long Arm' Handgun.
As Control room is usually considered to be the final stand for humans the layout consists of a wide entry way with a secret service vent leading to the power room and a barred window leading to the pipe room.
Once the round starts it is extremely vital to rush in and acquire said Power Cores before zombies have chance to establish ambush spots in rooms.
Not using a power core to unlock the Medbay and Armory will allow humans set easier chokepoints since the Medbay has a shortcut entry way to one of the side entrances to the bunker, potentially killing everyone next to the hallway sigil next to Medbay should zombie group rushes occurs.
(Zombies only): If humans have locked one of the side entrances you may be able to hit the control panel next to them, forcibly unlocking the entrances if needed.
(Zombies only): You're able to cut humans off if you head to the left entry way first as there's a drop off to the power room and a secret vent in the middle underneath the water catwalk leading to The Control Room.
In the Control Room, there's a still frame image of the map maker's previous map Reactor 15. With another monitor showing reactors 15 and 7 disabled due to The Undead.
In the current version, you will see a burning destroyed red laser cannon that was once the original cannon for the map that was capable of insta killing everything caught in its radius.
Before current version, human players were required to retrieve the base commander's keycard to unlock the master security locker once wave 4 occurs, this concept was changed to 80% infliction due to how nigh impossible it was to grab the keycard from the oil derrick room and back with zgas being expanded in wave 3.