Trigger zombieclass
You can directly control the changing of classes with this.
Enabled <choices>
Enable the brush entity.
- 0: Yes
- 1: No
On Touch Class <choices>
Any living zombie touching the brush will be set to this class name.
On Leaving Class
Same as Touching Class but for when leaving the brush.
On Touch Respawn Class
Any living zombie touching the brush will be set to this class name on death.
On Leaving Respawn Class
Same as Touching Respawn Class but for when leaving the brush.
Player Must Be This Class
Set this to a specific class to change only these zombie types, separate multiple classes with commas.
One Time?
If yes then anyone who gets swapped will be respawned as the last class they were before the change.
- 0: No
- 1: Yes
Change Instantly?
If yes then anyone who gets swapped will instantly be changed right on the spot.
- 0: No
- 1: Yes
input enable <void>
Enable the entity.
input disable <void>
Disable the entity.
input seton <integer>
Enable or Disable the entity.