Barricading is one of the essential aspects of the survival of a human team. A well-constructed barricade allows humans to completely (or partially) avoid hits from various types of zombie attacks. As zombies become stronger with each wave, the chances of survival without a barricade are close to zero.
Before proceeding to the basic principles and description of the mechanics of barricading, it is necessary to understand the scale of the diversity and variability of this process:
- In Zombie Survival gamemode there are about/over 700 different maps
- In the maps themselves at least several spots for barricading
- The number of props on the maps that you can use for barricading - from a few dozen to a few hundred
- Total number of props is about 3000 (not including the custom ones)
This means that there is no universal “scheme” of the barricade that can be built on any map at any point with the same props. On some maps with a large number of props, you can build a thousand different barricades, changing combinations and number of props, as if shuffling a deck of cards.
But this is not a disadvantage of this gamemode. On the contrary - this is one of its main advantages, because it gives you a huge choice and space for imagination. You have no limitations in terms of complexity and design. But there are basic principles and rules that distinguish a bad, useless barricade from a good and useful one. The description of these “basic rules” is the goal of this guide, because without them you cannot build a good barricade (even the simplest one).
It is also worth noting that for a beginner it is extremely hard to cope with all the variety. In most cases, people make critical mistakes due to the lack of experience in barricading and because of the lack of knowledge of many aspects of the zs gameplay, which leads to sad consequences. The best solution is to learn from the barricades of players that are more experienced, try to repeat them in single-player, and only then try to build them on the server.
: any number of props (even 1) nailed by hammer (Carpenter’s Hammer), which block the entrance for most types of zombies. In the future, for simplicity, the barricade will be called "cade".
: a kind of cade that has no practical use for a human team and which, accordingly, facilitates the task for the zombie team. In other words, a badly constructed cade.
: any physical object/subject that can (or cannot, f.e. – glass) be nailed with a hammer.
: the main tool needed to nail the prop and for their further repair.
: is the only consumable material (ammo) that the hammer uses to nail the prop and/or to increase the health of the prop. Number of nails = maximum number of props you can nail.
Prop Health (prop HP)
: there are two types of prop HP - main HP and repair HP. Main HP is displayed at the bottom of the green bar and with numbers on top.