Diner 69
You have stumbled across a Fast Food Establishment that has not yet being taken over by the Hoard. The Humans have Decided to settle here for a while to Rest and look for supplies to keep them going. However it is not long until they are noticed by the Undead... Humans will have to Watch out for themselves otherwise it could end badly.
About The Map
Diner 69 Is a Map that is currently in rotation on Sunrust that was Firstly Released back in May 19th 2019. The Map itself is relatively small in comparison to the other maps however throughout the version history, It has gained size. The Current version is V5b which included a few small edits such as fixing bugs. The Map includes The Main diner which is Themed off A Retro American Diner, And the Newer Version has added a Gas Station next door to the diner for more exploration. A Lot of the Gameplay is focused on the Diner where the Majority of the Sigils are Located. There are A Few Areas within the Diner such as the Main Eating area, Behind the bar, Toilets, Kitchen, Freezer/Stock room and Finally the Backroom for Employees. A lot of the Map solely uses Custom textures and models to enhance the feel of that American Diner experience. However it does include some Counter Strike Source and Half Life 2 Content as well such as Textures and Models to still make sure that it has that Source and HL2 Feel to it.
Diner 69 Is a Relatively small map Which consists of two zombie spawn locations: Left Side of the Road and The Right side of the Road. (Next to the Combine APCs).