To bind a command to a key, type bind KEY "COMMAND"
in console.
Point Shop
This section is about buying Point Shop items with bind.
The COMMAND consists of zs_pointsshopbuy
followed by the itemID
, which allows the player to buy item(s) with bind.
Example: bind h "zs_pointsshopbuy ps_pistolammo5x"
16 pistol ammo | ps_pistolammo | 80 pistol ammo | ps_pistolammo5x
12 shotgun ammo | ps_shotgunammo | 60 shotgun ammo | ps_shotgunammo5x
36 SMG ammo | ps_smgammo | 180 SMG ammo | ps_smgammo5x
9 rifle ammo | ps_rifleammo | 45 rifle ammo | ps_rifleammo5x
8 crossbow bolts | ps_crossbowammo | 40 crossbow bolts | ps_crossbowammo5x
32 assault rifle ammo | ps_assaultrifleammo | 160 assault rifle ammo | ps_assaultrifleammo5x
30 pulse ammo | ps_pulseammo | 150 pulse ammo | ps_pulseammo5x
4 explosives | ps_impactmine | 20 explosives | ps_impactmine5x
20 chemicals | ps_chemical | 100 chemicals | ps_chemical5x
9 scrap | ps_scrapammo | 45 scrap | ps_scrapammo5x
32 medical power | ps_25mkit | 160 medical power | ps_25mkit5x
1 Nail | ps_nail | 5 Nail | ps_nail5x
Carpenter's Hammer | ps_crphmr | Electrohammer | 0
Barbed Wire | ps_barbedwire | Smithing Hammer | ps_smithhammer
'Shaper' Repair Welder | ps_welder | Mechanic's Wrench | ps_wrench
Multi-tool | ps_multitool | Medical Kit | ps_medkit
'Savior' Medic Gun | ps_medgun | Strength Dart Gun | ps_strengthshot
'Purger' Antidote Handgun | ps_antidoteshot | 'Convalescence' Medical Rifle | ps_medrifle
'Harvester' Medical Syringe | ps_harvester | 'Templar' Medical Shotgun | ps_templar
'Temperance' Dart Rifle | ps_tranqrifle | 'MP5M' Medical SMG | ps_medsmg
Critical Care Kit | ps_critkit | 'Rejuvenator' Healing Ray | ps_healray
'Apostle' Medical AR | ps_apostle
Resupply Box | ps_resupplybox | Remantler | ps_remantler
Fridge | ps_fridge | Prop Transponder | 0
Message Beacon | ps_msgbeacon | Sensor | ps_camera
Chair Deployable | ps_chair | Gun Turret | ps_infturret
Assault Turret | ps_assaultturret | Rocket Turret | ps_rocketturret
Drone | ps_drone | Pulse Drone | ps_pulsedrone
Hauler Drone | ps_hauldrone | Rollermine | ps_rollermine
'Sentinel' Repair Field Emitter | ps_repairfield | 'Stinger' Zapper | ps_zapper
'Dynamo' Arc Zapper | ps_zapper_arc | Force Field Emitter | ps_ffemitter
'Nullifier' Projectile Shield | ps_nullifier
Ice Shield | ps_trinket_iceburst | Reactive Flasher | ps_trinket_reactiveflasher
Armor | ps_trinket_armor | Health Pack | ps_trinket_health_package
Blood Bank | ps_trinket_blood_bank | Cleanser | ps_trinket_bio_cleanser
Decelerant Shield | ps_trinket_decelshield | Antibleeder | ps_trinket_antibleeder
Explosion Vest | ps_trinket_explosion | Graviton Wall | ps_trinket_graviton
Evasion Cloak | ps_trinket_evasion_cloak
Aiming Visor | ps_trinket_aiming_visor | Reload Vest | ps_trinket_reloadvest
Reload Vest | ps_trinket_extended_mag | Explosives | ps_trinket_explosives
Extended Mag | ps_trinket_projectile_rocket | Throw Bandolier | ps_trinket_throw_band
Explosives | ps_trinket_ice_rounds | Electro Rounds | ps_trinket_electro_rounds
Projectile Rocket | ps_trinket_flame_rounds | Softening Rounds | ps_trinket_softening_rounds
Throw Bandolier | ps_trinket_acid_rounds | Hindering Rounds | ps_trinket_hindering_rounds
Ice Rounds | ps_trinket_bore_bullets
Force Booster | ps_trinket_force_booster | Power Gauntlet | ps_trinket_power_gauntlet
Guard Spikes | ps_trinket_shield_spikes | Protection Guard | TEXT
Long Grip | ps_trinket_long_grip | Burning Attachment | ps_trinket_burn_attach
Acid Attachment | ps_trinket_acid_attach | Frost Attachment | ps_trinket_ice_attach
Electro Attachment | ps_trinket_elec_attach | Sapping Attachment | ps_trinket_sap_attach
Ripper Attachment | ps_trinket_rip_attach | Blade Charger | ps_trinket_blade_charge
Vitality Charger | ps_trinket_vita_charge | Electron Charger | ps_trinket_electr_charge
Force Wave Charger | ps_trinket_forcewave_charge
Oxygen Tank | ps_trinket_oxygentank | Night Vision Goggles | ps_trinket_nightvision
Confusion Device | ps_trinket_necrosense | Sigil Scope | ps_trinket_sigileye
Quick-Draw Satchel | ps_trinket_quick_draw_satchel | Agility Aid | ps_trinket_agile_aid
Reinforced Boots | ps_trinket_reinforced_boots | Motion Boots | ps_trinket_motion_boots
Auto Reloader | ps_trinket_auto_reloader | Lift Frame | ps_trinket_lift_frame
Running Gear | ps_trinket_run_gear | Flight Booster | ps_trinket_flight_booster
Energy Bracelet | ps_trinket_energy_bracelet
Magnet | ps_trinket_magnet | Blueprints | ps_trinket_blueprints
Diet Ingredients | ps_trinket_pharma | Food Processor | ps_trinket_processor
Medical Tools | ps_trinket_medicaltools | Supply Boost | ps_trinket_resupplier
Alchemy Fluids | ps_trinket_alch_chemicals | Necro Weakener | TEXT
Stim Injector | ps_trinket_stim_injector | Field Charger | ps_trinket_field_charge
Turret Optimizer | ps_trinket_turret_optimizer
Electro Amp | ps_trinket_electro_amp | Cascade Device | TEXT
Ignition Compound | ps_trinket_ignite_compound | Acid Vials | TEXT
Cryo Inductor | ps_trinket_cryo_curer | Ice Curer | TEXT
Elemental Locus | ps_trinket_elemental_locus | Spectrum | ps_trinket_spectrum
Concussion Grenade | ps_concgrenade | Manhack | ps_manhack
Flash Bomb | ps_flashbomb | Proximity Mine | ps_betty
Molotov Cocktail | ps_molotov | Grenade | ps_grenade
Remote Detonation Pack | ps_detpck | Corrosive Gas Grenade | ps_corgasgrenade
Cryo Gas Grenade | ps_crygasgrenade | Refractor Grenade | ps_refractor
Sigil Fragment | ps_sigfragment | Bloodshot Bomb | ps_bloodshot
Surgeshot Bomb | ps_surgeshot | Adrenaline | ps_adrenaline
Bandage Pack | ps_bandage | Antidote | ps_antidote
Medic Cloud Bomb | ps_medcloud | Nanite Cloud Bomb | ps_nanitecloud
This section is about buying Crate / Special Point Shop items with bind.
The COMMAND consists of
This section is about buying Banished items with bind.
This section is not about buying with bind.