"This was the brightest idea you've ever came up with Sam." Linguey states in bashful sarcasm, "Leaving the base commander to die to them, and forgetting the cores despite being specifically told to protect and bring them to the base. Yet I do gotta admit, blowing up the entrance to create a cavein to stop them from getting in was nice. Now we can just worry about starving to death in the mean time."
"Look, they were hot on our asses we had no choice, if it weren't for the commander's sacrifice we would of been all dead by now." Sammuel admits in utter defeat, "Now, I'm next in command and I need you to shut up and listen. We need to wait and catch our breath, if we're lucky their numbers may dwindle overtime. In the meantime, set the remaining charges we have on the entrance, we're going to break the cavein and collect those cores."