Being a Zombie
since the other editors are lazy ass-fuckers (including me) have this short guide
-you become a zombie if you join late enough/die/get picked roundstart if there aren't enough volunteers/bots
-get 4 kills to redeem, in the earlier parts of a round, you only need 3 kills to redeem
-type !afk to let an arguably retarded bot take control of you
-f3 to change zombie class, demiboss class, and what boss you'll be (if you get picked to be a boss)
-as you contribute to your team, your demiboss meter fills up, press f2 once it's filled up to spawn as your selected demiboss
-when there's a few seconds left in a wave intermission, a player spawns as their selected boss
-pretty much all zombie classes can attack with lmb
-you can hold down lmb to keep attacking
-attack cades, deployables, and humans to make them losed
-zombies can't get that glorious WONNED screen, only humans can, zombies can only make everyone else see the LOSED screen
-don't shitnest as flesh creeper kthx
-just because you could, doesn't mean you should, especially regarding nests and zspawns
-hold walk for the respawn location menu, for if you want to spawn at specific nests or lock spawns to automatically spawn at one location once the respawn timer is finished
-destruction zombies are op against cades due to their high hp and damage, and ok speed
-assault zombies are fast and a good counter to runners/exposed humans
-support zombies are mainly just poison/other debuff chuckers, or utility zombies
-headcrabs have tiny hitboxes and can leap through plenty of holes, a nice counter to cades which have gaps headcrabs can enter