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How much does it Cost to Buy One of Each Item in the Point Shop Menu?

First, let's define and set the requirements and restrictions. Crate & Banished menus are not included. Worth Menu is also not included, hence Worth is not counted. Point Shop Menu & Variants are counted.
It is correct as of time of writing, 7Sep2021, the values might change in the future.

The Data

Sr gun and melee tier item count3.png

Guns & Melees

Gun & Melee weapons are split into six tiers.
The numbers in the table above show the item amount for each weapon, total item amount & cost.
All the 32 tier I gun items cost 15 Points each, requiring 480 Points in total.
All the 46 tier II gun items cost 30 Points each, requiring 1,380 Points in total. Tier II gun item costs 2 times more points than Tier I gun item.
All the 41 tier III gun items cost 65 Points each, requiring 2,665 Points in total. Tier III gun item costs 2.167 times more than tier II gun item.
All the 40 tier IV gun items cost 115 Points each, requiring 4,600 Points in total. Tier IV gun item costs 1.769 times more than tier III gun item.
All the 41 tier V gun items cost 170 Points each, requiring 6,970 Points in total. Tier V gun item costs 1.478 times more than tier IV gun item.
All the 31 tier VI gun items cost 280 Points each, requiring 8,680 Points in total. Tier VI gun item costs 1.647 times more than tier V gun item.
Total cost for all the gun weapons is 24,775 Points.
7 of the 32 tier I melee items cost 8 Points each while the rest cost 12 Points each, requiring 236 Points in total.
All the 17 tier II melee items cost 30 Points each, requiring 510 Points in total.
All the 16 tier II melee items cost 65 Points each, requiring 1,040 Points in total.
All the 18 tier II melee items cost 115 Points each, requiring 2,070 Points in total.
All the 11 tier II melee items cost 170 Points each, requiring 1,870 Points in total.
All the 14 tier II melee items cost 280 Points each, requiring 3,920 Points in total.
Total cost for all the melee weapons is 9,646 Points.


Pistol ammo icon.png
16 pistol ammo
8 Points
Pistol ammo icon.png
80 pistol ammo
40 Points
Shotgun ammo icon.png
12 shotgun ammo
8 Points
Shotgun ammo icon.png
60 shotgun ammo
40 Points
Smg ammo icon 2.png
36 SMG ammo
8 Points
Smg ammo icon 2.png
180 SMG ammo
40 Points
Assault rifle ammo icon.png
9 rifle ammo
8 Points
Assault rifle ammo icon.png
45 rifle ammo
40 Points
Rifle ammo icon 2.png
8 crossbow bolts
8 Points
Rifle ammo icon 2.png
40 crossbow bolts
40 Points
Pulse ammo icon.png
32 assault rifle ammo
8 Points
Pulse ammo icon.png
160 assault rifle ammo
40 Points
Bolt ammo icon.png
30 pulse ammo
8 Points
Bolt ammo icon.png
150 pulse ammo
40 Points
Explosive ammo icon 3.png
4 explosives
8 Points
Explosive ammo icon 3.png
20 explosives
40 Points
Chemical ammo icon.png
20 chemicals
8 Points
Chemical ammo icon.png
100 chemicals
40 Points
Nail ammo icon 2.png
9 Nail
15 Points
Nail ammo icon 2.png
45 Nail
75 Points
Medpower ammo icon.png
32 medical power
14 Points
Medpower ammo icon.png
160 medical power
70 Points
Scrap ammo icon.png
1 scrap
4 Points
Scrap ammo icon.png
5 scrap
20 Points

Ammo comes at a fixed price. Most Ammo type is priced at 8 Points per item or 40 Points for quintuple the amount. There are some exceptions such as Scrap, Medical Power, and Nails costing 15, 14, and 4 Points per item respectively.
There are 9 basic types of ammunition: Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Assault Rifle, Pulse, Crossbow, Explosive, and Chemical.
Total cost for all Ammo is (9 * 8 + 15 + 14 + 4) * 6 = 630 Points.


Weapon zs hammer2.png
Carpenter's Hammer
20 Points
Weapon zs electrohammer.png
35 Points
Weapon zs toolicon.png
Barbed Wire
35 Points
Weapon zs smithinghammer.png
Smithing Hammer
Reinforcing Hammer
'Coercer' Silver Hammer
65 Points
Weapon zs welder.png
'Shaper' Repair Welder
115 Points
Weapon zs wrench.png
Mechanic's Wrench
15 Points
Weapon zs multitool.png
5 Points
Weapon zs medkit.png
Medical Kit
Restoration Kit
25 Points
Weapon zs medicgun2.png
'Savior' Medic Gun
'Transfusion' Medic Gun
25 Points
Weapon zs medicgun3.png
Strength Dart Gun
Agility Dart Gun
20 Points
Weapon zs purger 2.png
'Purger' Antidote Handgun
20 Points
Weapon zs medrifle2.png
'Convalescence' Medical Rifle
'Invigorator' Strength Rifle
'Accelerator' Agility Rifle
'Cleric' Regenerator Rifle
30 Points
Weapon zs harvester.png
'Harvester' Medical Syringe
'Overdose' Medical Syringe
'Infuser' Chemical Extractor
'Siphoner' Bounty Extractor
30 Points
Weapon zs medshotgun.png
'Templar' Medical Shotgun
'Paladin' Medical Shotgun
'Crusader' Medical Slug Shotgun
65 Points
Weapon zs tranq.png
'Temperance' Dart Rifle
'Excession' Dart Rifle
65 Points
Weapon zs medicalsmg.png
'MP5M' Medical SMG
115 Points
Medpower ammo icon2.png
Critical Care Kit
'Harmonizer' Bounty Kit
115 Points
Weapon zs healingray.png
'Rejuvenator' Healing Ray
170 Points
Weapon zs apostle.png
'Apostle' Medical AR
'Cardinal' Strength AR
'Teichos' Repairing AR
170 Points

Total cost for all Tools is 1,140 Points.


Weapon zs resupplybox.png
Resupply Box
30 Points
Weapon zs remantler 2.png
30 Points
Weapon zs fridge.png
40 Points
Weapon zs arsenalcrate.png
Prop Transponder
175 Points
Weapon zs messagebeacon.png
Message Beacon
10 Points
Weapon zs camera.png
25 Points
Weapon zs arsenalcrate.png
Chair Deployable
10 Points
Weapon zs gunturret2.png
Gun Turret
40 Points
Weapon zs assaultturret.png
Assault Turret
115 Points
Weapon zs gunturret rocket.png
Rocket Turret
170 Points
Weapon zs drone3.png
40 Points
Weapon zs drone pulse.png
Pulse Drone
40 Points
Weapon zs haulerdrone.png
Hauler Drone
10 Points
Weapon zs rollermine.png
25 Points
Weapon zs repairfield.png
'Sentinel' Repair Field Emitter
30 Points
Weapon zs zapper.png
'Stinger' Zapper
30 Points
Weapon zs dynamo.png
'Dynamo' Arc Zapper
115 Points
Weapon zs forcefield emitter 2.png
Force Field Emitter
50 Points
Weapon zs zapper.png
'Nullifier' Projectile Shield
20 Points

Total cost for all Deployables is 1,005 Points.


Ice Shield 16 Points Reactive Flasher 16 Points
Armor 16 Points Health Pack 18 Points
Blood Bank 16 Points Cleanser 9 Points
Decelerant Shield 9 Points Antibleeder 9 Points
Explosion Vest 11 Points Graviton Wall 9 Points
Evasion Cloak 16 Points

Total cost for all Defensive Trinkets is 145 Points.

Aiming Visor 9 Points Reload Vest 14 Points
Extended Mag 9 Points Explosives 16 Points
Projectile Rocket 9 Points Throw Bandolier 9 Points
Ice Rounds 25 Points Electro Rounds 25 Points
Flame Rounds 25 Points Softening Rounds 25 Points
Acid Rounds 25 Points Hindering Rounds 25 Points
Borer Bullets 29 Points

Total cost for all Offensive Trinkets is 245 Points.

Force Booster 9 Points Power Gauntlet 9 Points
Guard Spikes 16 Points Protection Guard 16 Points
Long Grip 9 Points Burning Attachment 27 Points
Acid Attachment 27 Points Frost Attachment 27 Points
Electro Attachment 27 Points Sapping Attachment 27 Points
Ripper Attachment 27 Points Blade Charger 40 Points
Vitality Charger 40 Points Electron Charger 40 Points
Force Wave Charger 40 Points

Total cost for all Melee Trinkets is 381 Points.

Oxygen Tank 7 Points Night Vision Goggles 3 Points
Sigil Scope 9 Points Quick-Draw Satchel 11 Points
Confusion Device 51 Points Agility Aid 9 Points
Reinforced Boots 9 Points Motion Boots 9 Points
Auto Reloader 9 Points Lift Frame 9 Points
Running Gear 9 Points Flight Booster 14 Points
Energy Bracelet 11 Points

Total cost for all Performance Trinkets is 160 Points.

Magnet 9 Points Blueprints 11 Points
Diet Ingredients 9 Points Food Processor 9 Points
Medical Tools 11 Points Supply Boost 11 Points
Alchemy Fluids 14 Points Necro Weakener 11 Points
Stim Injector 14 Points Field Charger 14 Points
Turret Optimizer 14 Points

Total cost for all Support Trinkets is 127 Points.

Electro Amp 11 Points Cascade Device 16 Points
Ignition Compound 22 Points Acid Vials 22 Points
Cryo Inductor 14 Points Ice Curer 14 Points
Elemental Locus 18 Points Spectrum 18 Points

Total cost for all Elemental Trinkets is 135 Points.


Weapon zs conc grenade.png
Concussion Grenade
25 Points
Weapon zs manhack.png
30 Points
Weapon zs flashbomb.png
Flash Bomb
30 Points
Weapon zs proxymine.png
Proximity Mine
30 Points
Weapon zs molotov2.png
Molotov Cocktail
45 Points
Weapon zs hl2grenade.png
40 Points
Weapon zs hl2grenade.png
Shock Grenade
40 Points
Weapon zs detpack3.png
Remote Detonation Pack
40 Points
Weapon zs corgasgrenade2.png
Corrosive Gas Grenade
50 Points
Weapon zs cryo gas grenade.png
Cryo Gas Grenade
55 Points
Weapon zs fractal grenade.png
Refractor Grenade
65 Points
Sigil fragment.png
Sigil Fragment
55 Points
Weapon zs bloodshot bomb.png
Bloodshot Bomb
50 Points
Weapon zs surgeshot bomb.png
Surgeshot Bomb
50 Points
Weapon zs adrenaline.png
30 Points
Weapon zs bandage.png
Bandage Pack
15 Points
Weapon zs antidote.png
15 Points
Weapon zs mediccloudbomb.png
Medic Cloud Bomb
40 Points
Weapon zs nanite cloud bomb .png
Nanite Cloud Bomb
40 Points

Total cost for all Other is 745 Points.

The Answer

It costs 39,134 Points to buy one of each item in the point shop menu.
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How many Items are there in the Point Shop Menu?

First, let's define and set the requirements and restrictions. Click here

The Answer

There are 231 guns, 98 melees, 24 ammos, 19 tools, 19 deployables, 71 trinkets, 19 others.
There are 481 items in the point shop menu.
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