World Drops
World Drops are items that can appear on the map during the wave or at the end, that can be collected by the team depending on the type of drop, and that, after collected, can give an reward to the player who collects the drop.
There are three types of World Drops: Supply Drop, Lock Box and Dark Gift.
Supply Drop
Supply Drop are loot boxes that can appear during wave 1 through wave 6 or be manually spawned, which can give ammo, scraps, blood armor, and weapons, based on chance. During Seasonal Events, the appearance of supply drops can change, can also heal a amount of health.
After the supply drop has been acquired, is destroyed from world.
Supply Drop Spawn
There are three ways to spawn a supply drop:
- Shooting at banished sigil with the flare gun.
- Shooting at skybox with the flare gun. (Some maps may have a long distance to the skybox, and may not work.)
- Normally spawned on wave end.
- A zombie buying "Supply Drop Bait" in the dark market. (but applies debuffs such Slow and Anchor)
Supply Drop Pools
When a supply drop is collected, it runs a random number that can guarantee certain items with a specific reward chance, the chance of the items cannot be improved with skills.
Drop Chance | Item |
18% | A random food. |
20% | A random weapon, weapon tier depending of wave. |
18% | Bandage Pack |
9% | Grenade |
9% | Molotov Cocktail |
7%? | Bloodshot Bomb |
7%? | Surgeshot Bomb |
7% | Strength Shot |
6% | Proximity Mine |
3% | 'Hand Cannons' Dual Desert Eagles |
6%? | Bonus Crate |
Lock Box
Lock Box are special supply drops that can appear in the world, with a chance of spawning in the world, this chance is increased with the difficulty of the map and the level of the Z-Director, humans can that can guarantee more rewards when acquiring and more chances for rewards, however, unlike Supply Drops that the human can collect instantly when touching, Lock Boxes require the human to be standing while colliding for a few seconds to acquire the rewards.
Dark Gift
Dark Gifts are drops that may appear during the wave with a spawn chance, and may appear depending on difficulty, z-director level, and other hidden factors, when collected, reward the zombie with Dark Essence and can grant special zombie classes.
Dark Gifts can also be collected by humans, but unlike Supply Drops, the human has to wait a few seconds to be destroyed, when the procedure is completed, the Dark Gift explodes and gives Nightmare and Tremor debuffs for 5 seconds to the humans nearby, and turns into a Supply Drop.
Dark Gift Pools
Chance | Reward | |
15% | Grants 1000 Dark Essence and a random Lesser Evil class or Rune Watcher. | |
25% | Grants 1000 Dark Essence. | |
50% | Grants 875 Dark Essence. | |
75% | Grants 750 Dark Essence. | |
100% | Grants 625 Dark Essence. | |
Note: Can only receive one reward from collecting Dark Gifts. |
Wither - creator and editor of this article.
MrDragornorg - for supply drops, lock box and dark gifts images.